Reiki Explained

Reiki is a healing modality which utilises intention and visualisation to promote free flow of the universal life force throughout the subtle energy system of the body. Reiki promotes wellness, relaxation, healing and interconnectedness.

Distant Reiki is the ability to access the subtle field, with permission of the client, no matter how far apart client and practitioner are from one another. This means that Reiki is working on a soul level, to touch the eternal, facilitating healing not only in the present, but the past and future realities simultaneously.

Quantum physics makes this possible. Bohm’s theory states that particles at a distance can be entangled, a quantum-interconnectedness. This indicates that spatially separate events are not independent of each other.

Reiki meets the specific needs of each individual without the practitioner imposing their own energetics & intentions in the process.

All of space time is accessible to our consciousness right where we are, including the ability to send healing at a great distance. Distant Reiki is as equally effective as face to face.


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