Frequently asked questions.
How do i know what to book for?
If you are unsure what service to book in, choose the 90 minute “Initial Consultation & Body Work” option. Sanative Sanctuary has cultivated it’s prices on a time frame - not service based so we can make the session right for you.
Where is Sanative Sanctuary Located?
Inside Gertrude St Yoga Studio. Sanative Sactuary is an independent business that rents a room from Gertrude St Yoga. So! Come inside the Studio. Level 1/202 Gertrude St, Fitzroy. Every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.
My funds are low at the moment, is there a way I can set up another source of payment?
Yes! Payment plans are available, and in certain cases i accept trade swaps / energy exchanges if you are in finanical distress but in a place to honor another form of currency. This could be marketing, art, a trade swap etc. Send me an email pitching your offer and we can co-ordinate an energy exhange.
How often should i come for a session?
Most of my clients come in monthly. However, some clients come quite “religiously” - every fortnight for a few months and then dissappear back into their lives. Sometimes they return years later with a new layer of healing they wish to address. The nature of this kind of work is organic, i like to teach my clients to learn the language of their own body’s communication, their own intuitive callings and to trust themselves on when it is time to come in. It’s important to not wait or dwell on this feeling to make a substansial change or cycle break, otherwise we are only band-aiding and not clearing the roots- just trimming the branches so to speak.
Is it normal to feel sick after a session?
Normal is not the correct word. Common is a better fit. Depending on what you are going through lately, emotionally, trauma, stress, is stored in the body so a “purge” can follow your session. If you are aware that you have a deep heaviness you wish for assistance with, i reccomend you to dedicate your day around your session time to deep rest, soulful nourshing food and lots of warm lemon water and tea. A magnesium salt bath (or foot soak if you don’t have a tub") is an incredibly way to further support the post session detoxification process. Eat like you are preventing the onset of a cold / flu. The body is intelligent, it wants this to leave you and sometimes it can feel gruggy and yucky so as long as you do your bit to support this you will feel amazing after. This doesn’t always happen and i only dig as deep as you allow.