Om The Mat

I feel like when somebody asks me “Hey Shann, how did you get into Yoga?” My response tends to be “ha, how much time have you got to listen?” If you’re a fellow Yogi, I’m sure you understand. If you’re a seeker, this is your sign that there’s a practice, a studio, a community and a yoga mat calling you.

Here’s my short story version of my Yogic Path….

I have been practising Yoga for 12 years, with large breaks of physical practice and leaning more in the spiritual practice / meditation. My daily practice was born during lockdown of 2020. I completed my Yoga Teacher Training when i was living in Bali in 2022; Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa & Ashtanga, then by fate, I met and collaborated with a Kundalini Yoga Mentor, diving deeply into immersive daily meditations and KRIYA of the Kundalini Yoga Tradition. That was the most transformative few months of my life.

Having spent most of my adult life following my heart wandering solo over 35 countries, yoga became my avenue to create a foundational and comfortable homebase within my own body. An intuitively led lifestyle cultivated a intimately connected sense of self and deep listening of body, spirit and open perception to this human experience. My Philosophy is large, though simple. It is heart based. I truly believe that whatever we are experiencing that isn't love, is something for us to move through, to learn from, to release, so we can return to our truth- love. As a passionate and gifted body worker; Yoga has been my personal go -to medicine and guide; this passion is demonstrated in my teaching style, encouraging my students to remain curious and compassionate with what their bodies are communicating by creating a safe space for you to truly unwind. I invite opportunity to further explore, to deeply feel and express oneself, connect and experience an embodied awareness of our cyclical nature and nourish that which has been your most loyal companion this lifetime. I love to blend energetics, astrology, spirituality, philosophy, neurology and science into my classes.

Yoga has completely transformed my life. I love sharing practice with anybody who wishes to join me.