Conscious bleeding
Every month, the women whom’s health, gender, life stage or choice in not using contraception to inhibit such, are granted a report card of their previous months energetic contributions in the form of their shedding uterus.
Commonly known as; menstruation. The period (pun intended) that involves blood oozing, dripping, and freely flowing from the vagina, carrying healing stem cells and renewal power amidst its course.
Accompanied during this time are energetic, mental and emotional surges, purges, swings and depletions, not to mention the space many women unwarrantedly hold around the stigmatised avoidance, disgust and fear around their communities, family members, partners and colleges.
Throughout history and culture, a woman’s moon time was ceremonially expressed as their first shamanic journey; a profoundly sacred, magical doorway into woman's deepest power. Disappointedly, in our current culture, connection to the blood has been lost, leaving many women with negative feelings about their periods which create physical disturbances and discomfort in the body. I believe this stems from uneducated & ignorantly unaware grounds of the incredible power and poetry in such energetic release, manifested in physical form as blood.
This blog entry is an attempt to shine light, educate, encourage celebration and embrace remembrance of this bloody (hehe) powerfully intuitive time that many women will spend 10 years of their life experiencing, as opposed to the dread, complaint and disconnect many women aren’t aware they have chosen to adopt from the lower vibrational breathers among us. This entry is also an invitation for everybody who reads this, regardless of sex, to understand the beauty and significance of this time, and to open the eye (intentional noun) to a more conscious relationship to bleeding.
The womb space is an alchemical centre of creativity, life force, conception and birthing of new paradigms, beings and ideas. It is the base point where life begins, the epitome of healing, creative energy, a sacred space filled with the pulsing river of the divine feminine, which transcends spirit realm into physical form. Any disconnection from the abundance and universal love of the yoni (Sanskrit for source of wisdom- the womb -vagina) represents a block, perhaps created by from mistrust, abuse, unauthentic energetic exchanges, abandonment of self; thus power.
In this post I do not wish to disregard those who suffer with chronic and painful conditions related to the womb space, nor the women whose physical wombs have been removed. I also have no intention to exclude the women who do not menstruate, & the women in the “moon-o-pause” phase. I want to remind anybody who experiences disconnection, that the energetic path is always accessible via the womb energy blueprint which remains with them. The feminine heart can never be removed or cut out- it’s pristine innocence remains untouched, patiently waiting for the spirit to make its way home. All women, no matter the conditions of their body, can call in their flow by engaging in moon time rituals during the new and full moon.
On another hand, if chronic pain and recurring issues associated with the Yoni is something you or somebody you know are all too familiar with, I do invite you to consider such dis-ease of the body as symbolic representation of deeper, non-physical data, emerging in symptomatic messages. The pain experienced is a “cry out” of attention to release aspects in life that do not align with the spirit. Honest reflection and removal of what is too willingly accepted despite absence of enjoyment or appreciation can relive pain in the physical body.
Women experiencing chronic conditions, a heavy bleed and/ or very low energy during menstruation, need to acknowledge the likely message from the womb that the feminine power is being fed to a source that does not align with the higher self, the heart or emotional requirements; thus, is draining the spirit of the womb. If this initial message of depleted energy is not addressed, the message will become louder as the external source will continue pulling this energy. Until changes have been actioned that honour the emotional/ spiritual needs of the being, the energy leak will continue to pull and use what it needs; which manifests as uncomfortable physical conditions that will only augment until “energy cord cutting” has been achieved.
Listen to the aching parts.
Some questions to reflect on to help are:
~What is not comfortable in my life, that is too readily accepted?
~What is the heart yearning for?
~What does pleasure mean to me?
~Who needs to be released?
~What do I no longer wish to be a part of?
~Where can communication establish boundaries that honour all needs and desires?
~Why is anybody welcomed, literally, inside the body if the heart is not understood or respected?
By all means, consensual, non emotional sex is safe and okay and can be a lot of fun- I am not shaming anybody for how they like to engage in their sexuality with others. However identifying wether accepting these kind of engagements is feeding insecurities around not feeling worthy of more fulfilling encounters, or alike, is worth spiritually exploring. In order to honour and create comfort in the womb space, true communication must be spoken & respected. Any pretending that deeper feelings are not experienced just to experience physical pleasure from an external cause is an act of ego & self abandonment. Any intentional misleading promise of emotional commitment and safety from a partner is manipulation and sexual abuse.
Energetically, the feminine crown is connected to the heart. If something doesn’t feel right in the heart, it’s because something isn’t right. This connection explains mothers incredible emotional intuition for their children regardless of physical separation, and girlfriends being aware of cheating partners without any “proof.” Anatomically, the structure of the vagina mirrors that of the vocal chords and mouth. (So cool, huh!) What needs to be vocally expressed? What creation is ready to be birthed? Interestingly, the same membranous tissue is found within both structures. (it’s no wonder why oral sex can be so nice) Physiologically, swallowing & excreting are functions of both the vagina and mouth. What needs to be released or requested to honour one self? Technically, the vagina is a mouth. It swallows, resonates with vibration, and has beautiful, various shaped lips which will let you know if the vessel beyond them wants a taste or not. It should be no secret that there’s a voice between the thighs that’s worth listening to.
The monthly bleed is an opportunity to consciously cleanse and remove any sexual connections that no longer wished to be continued, and to release any trauma or false imprints of shame from the womb space from an encounter that was not enjoyed or consented to as to not bury it within the body. This intention when bleeding avoids the creation of energetic blocks which restrict access to the divine energy. Let it go. Find a cord cutting ritual that resonates and perform it during the bleed. Let it leave as nature intended.
Free bleeding, if possible, is highly recommended for any women going through this kind of healing. Embrace any emotional, spiritual and physical pain which arise.
The moon cycle is a highly intuitive time wherein journaling the emotions and visions of what arises is incredibly insightful. It’s important to be as relaxed and quiet as possible. Any tension and frustration in the mind and body include intuitive messages seeking to be heard and felt. Speaking truth and communicating any dishonour sensed- with consciousness and without blame is an opportunity to break cycles of ill behaviour repeating itself in another moon cycle, wether her own or another woman’s.
The feeling of forgetting and the pain in the bodies of women are calls to reclaim this part of the month as the sacred portal.
Many women who work full throttle will experience periods which rock them for a couple of days, more often than not bed-ridding them to literally (and finally) STOP.
This re charge can often look like an indulgence of chocolate, crying, red wine, deep rest, Uber eats and peaceful, quiet evenings. It’s important to allow this, guilt free.
Here, honest reflection to identify where delegation or release of some responsibilities and commitments can alleviate the heaviness of this time is wise.
Womb power is beyond sexuality and menstruation. It is the epitome of creativity. It is the space container where life can both begin and end. It is such a gift to access, experience and feel the pulls of the energetic womb system which is the creator of life. When women knowingly hold space here for somebody who does not respect and honour the creator, they are contributing and enabling its existence in the world. Call it out, sisters (& brothers)
This entry is taking a turn now to discuss another aspect to conscious bleeding.
Often, I hear discussions around how sanitary items should be free. As much as I’d like to completely agree, I only do to an extent.
Hear me out.
It’s because I’m thinking bigger.
Read on with an open mind, especially if you are a fellow raging feminist who’s opinion has just been challenged (and likely triggered) ♥️
Conventional, commonly chosen sanitary items are one use disposable pads and tampons. They are recommended to be changed, discarded and replaced at least every 2/4 hours over the course of (an approximate) bleeding week, flow depending. This prototype of period practice is the initial introduction to pre pubescent teens in most public education curriculums. If we rounded down this “changing time” (because the blood flow generally reduces around day 5) this equates to 30 sanitary items for ONE woman’s period.
Over the course of a year, one bleeding woman based of this number will have used and disposed of 360 bloody sanitary items. (I’m enjoying these puns) Growing up, I was in a house with a sister and mother, so this one house would have equated to 1080 disposed sanitary items…. The environmentalist within me is currently rocking in the corner with inner conflict of how I used to participate in such.
It’s clear this is costly both monetarily and environmentally.
Now, just to crunch a little further to get my point across, (I say this with love and compassion because bleeding is literally one of my favourite things about my womanhood as it never ceases to fascinate, challenge, intrigue and teach me) Let’s look at these products further and the entropic debt they contribute beyond the unsustainable “one use” model.
TGA-cleared tampons are made of cotton, rayon, or a blend of the two. Rayon, is an artificial textile material composed of regenerated and purified cellulose derived from plant sources.
Recent ocean surveys found that cotton contributed to 56.9% of the total fibers found in deep ocean areas with rayon microfibres following as second most frequent at 29.5% of all fibres.
Concurrently, cotton farming contributes majorly to land clearing, soil erosion, contamination, and loss of soil biodiversity. Rayon, on the other hand, is synthetic and it’s production is toxic. The manufacturing process emits poisonous gas and the chemicals used during rayon fabrication also pollute drinking water, the air, and soil, damaging ecosystems, plants and animals' health.
There is also packaging, marketing and transport to consider, not to mention the skilfully designed supermarket shelves which are a riot of paper, plastic and marketing created to delude the buyer into believing that the contents of such products are as attractive and comfortable (which is an belief being sold to bleeders) as the packaging.
Bleeding is something to celebrate, embrace, understand and welcome whole heartedly. There should be no shame around this natural and powerful time. One use sanitary items contradict the beauty of the moon cycle.
I propose everybody to spread the word about conscious bleeding with use of reusable sanitary items, and free bleeding whenever is possible.
We already know that women change the world. When a woman makes a positive change, it heals all the ancestors who came before, and educates the lineage yet to arrive; creating a new way of life for generations.
Washable, comfortable, reusable pads, menstrual cups, free flowing and period underwear along with remembrance and unity of divine feminine bleeding is a step toward a healthier future globally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, environmentally and consciously.
If everybody was able to adopt, share, gift, invest and positively advocate for education, distribution and use of reusable sanitary products; more so than express complaint that one use items should be free, we would be stepping more consciously into the bleed.
If you have read this far I feel it’s a good indication that you are aware that it’s time for us all to actively adopt a way of life which contributes no net entropy debt increase to the planet. To value the environment, we must possess beliefs which align with a sustainable, conscious future.
Another positive aspect of bleeding onto reusable sanitary items, is exactly what is probably in your mind right now as the downfall.
I’m going to change, or at the very least; open your mind.
Physically handling the menstral blood creates a new relationship with the blood and reunion to the sacred ancestry that’s been forgotten. It’s an opportunity to understand the body and it’s energetic contributions of the previous month.
The three minutes of hand washing muscle work whilst in the shower or separately in a bucket/ sink is ordained good exercise and education.
A new understanding, insight & relationship with self will be developed. The “red” rainbow of colour blends tell a lot more than you’d expect.
Red blood usually means a healthy period and fresh blood. In some indigenous cultures, the men carried small tinctures with early phase menstrual blood inside. The purpose of this is to have the pure feminine energy protecting them as they went to hunt, also, if a wound were to occur during the hunt, pouring the menstrual blood over the wound provided a nitrogen rich cleanse as the blood is so clean & pure.
Pink blood is a sign there is cervical fluid mixed with period blood. This can also indicate anemia, weight loss, nutrient deficiencies and low estrogen levels.
Orange blood can indicate cervical fluid mixed with period blood or a vaginal infection like a sexually transmitted infection.
Brown blood appears usually at the beginning and the end of a period. If brown appears more often than other red shades it can sometimes indicate low progesterone levels or stagnation of bodily fluids. Acupuncture is a great modality to bring the fluids, hormones and various contributing imbalances back into alignment.
Black blood can also be visible at the beginning or end of a period. It can indicate a vaginal blockage and is a common and positive sign during times of releasing sexual trauma. Purge it out!! 👏 💪
Purple blood communicates an excess of oestrogen or could be associated to heavy flows or clotting.
What is your blood saying?
Have you, your friend or partner just radically accepted that their bleed predestines sufferance?
Could reading this inspire?
An Indian Swami once told me that she meditates and reflects while while hand washing her “rags” and is grateful for the mindfulness and guidance it taught her when she’s in her next cycle.
If, after trying out hand washing reusable pads or Period underwear, you feel uncomfortable, a dedicated period wash on the eco option in your washing machine is an easy fix for that. There are many menstrual cups out there as well, to try, that are comfortable and easy.
Sure, there are times when the disposable options are going to be more ideal like camping, a martial arts competition or a long flight- let’s reduce environmental waste by keeping them on the back burner.
A quick google search is easy enough to see what kind of eco, reusable products are out there to suit every bodies needs 🙏🏽
Here’s to more conscious bleeding, environmentally, spiritually and physically 🩸